IPs in Mobile Games: A Winning Collaboration

IPs in Mobile Games: A Winning Collaboration

Over the last two years, Yodo1 has become a key player in the world of mobile gaming IP collaborations. When implemented successfully by an experienced team, IP injections can be a huge part of a successful game marketing strategy. 

Yodo1 has forged partnerships with top IP holder Hasbro, brokering a series of successful collaborations to bring their brands into top game franchises. IP licensing agreements have since been signed with TMS and Universal Music, with more deals to follow. 

Collaborations to date include Top War and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, both of which incorporated Hasbro’s Transformers characters into their gameplay. Popular sandbox game MiniWorld also teamed up with Transformers, and later My Little Pony, for similar brand injections. As Hasbro’s trusted partner, in China and across the globe, Yodo1 is looking forward to bringing characters from this much-loved brand to more fans. 

The power of IP collaborations can be seen in each of these events, which have proved incredibly beneficial to both partners by generating millions of dollars in revenue, engaging existing fans, and attracting new ones.

During the two week collaboration between Hasbro and Top War, the popular game surpassed their daily revenue record on the first day of the event launch, as the game’s rank in the App Store rose from 55 to 29 in China, 25 to 16 in the USA, and 73 to 45 in Japan. 

The three month Battle of Balls crossover that saw Transformers characters integrated into the popular casual esports mobile game resulted in new monetization avenues and increased engagement from fans. 

MiniWorld’s first Hasbro tie-up, again with Transformers, was so successful—with over half a million units sold—that they soon arranged another collaboration with the My Little Pony IP, to engage with another segment of their fanbase. 

This is possible because Yodo1’s Brands In Games (BIG) team has its finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the gaming world. With experience in pairing games with IP holders that share demographics and incorporating IPs’ visual elements into games, they are involved every step of the way, from concept to execution, resulting in fast turn-around times and solid ROI.
Working with an experienced team like Yodo1’s BIG can help to speed up the business negotiation side of a collaboration to just a few months or weeks, enabling the injection launch—and subsequent revenue—to happen that much sooner.
The BIG team is constantly on the lookout for new collaborations that will bring value to both the IP holder and game developer. The story recent collaborations tell is that Yodo1 has the experience and track record to discover and execute profitable partnerships between brands and mobile games.
If you are looking for a partner with a proven track record of successful collaborations between brands and mobile games, inquire via BIG@yodo.com.

A version of this article appeared on Pocket Gamer.